Hitler's Good Side

Hitler. The racist who killed 6 million Jews and instigated WW2.
But usually people regard him as a villain who tried to take over the world but failed. Please note that I am not a fascist, nor a pro Hitlerian, I just want the people to be open minded about this. Considering the fact that there's a lot of books and references that can say that he is an evil man and only little to no books that can talk about this, I figured we should just write about it.

After the 1st World War, the German Empire collapsed, along with the Austria-Hungarian Empire, the Kaiser (German Emperor) was ousted, and the German economy in ruins. As a matter of fact, just one loaf of bread is already equivalent to 500,000 DEUTSCHMARKS (Currency of Germany back then.) and the deutschmark eventually collapsed and lost its worth. Essentially turning it into "Fiat Currency" (Worthless money). As a result, 6,000,000 Germans were left unemployed, and communism was starting to spread. When Hitler came into power, he restored the economy by establishing several state owned businesses and gave every single German a job while others were drafted to the military. The unemployment rate started to drop rapidly until there was ZERO PERCENT UNEMPLOYMENT! Then money started flowing in again. 

After the revival of the German economy, Hitler sought to reunite the territories of the former Austria-Hungarian Empire because they too were Germans themselves. After peacefully annexing a large chunk of the territories of the former Austrian state, he then reunited the German people. With the permission of the allies of course.

Hitler was the first one to notice the side effects of smoking so he ordered his scientists to research its terrible effects. When they proved that smoking was indeed dangerous, he then launched the first anti cigarette campaign in human history and was able to save at least 7,000 lives. (But that number of people that his campaign saved is not enough to compensate for his genocide though.)

Hitler and the Nazis were known to be animal lovers. He even declared laws to protect animals and even tried to limit their killings (The bitter irony though, he tried to prevent animals from being killed but mindlessly killed millions of Jews)

Hitler wanted the entire German nation to have a car. But the problem is, cars were not really that affordable at the time. So he ordered the invention of the Volkswagen or "The People's Car".

Hitler wanted an efficient road system that could let people to travel from one place to another in a much easier way. So he built a nation wide highway system that the Germans still use today.

Hitler is not entirely evil. (Although he committed more atrocities than good) but at least he did some things that helped us in the long term. 

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