Edward Snowden
Edward Joseph Snowden or simply Edward snowden, is an American computer professional, former CIA(central Inteligence Agency), a former NSA(National Security Agency) contractor, former US army reserved and the man behind the massive leakage of sensitive NSA files which contains massive surveillance of the American people. No, not just the USA but the surveillance is globally done.
By the way…what is the NSA?
NSA(national security agency) is an intelligence organization of the US government responsible for global monitoring,collection and processing of informations and datas for foreign intelligence and and counter intelligence purposes, a discipline known as signal intelligence.
So what about the NSA leaks? What are they? What do they contains?
NSA leaks is all about massive surveillance of the whole population through phones, computers and more gadgets we use nowadays. some programs that have been leaked by snowden are the X Key stone and PRISM.
X Key stone
X Key stone is a program that sees everything, it is a tool the NSA uses to search nearly everything a user does on the internet. X key stone is also described as the widest reaching system to reach through internet data.
Another program that was leaked by snowden is the prism, it is a surveillance program that can directly access tech giants like google, facebook, Microsoft and apple.
NSA collects text messages and intercepts phone calls on some places like Bahamas, Afghanistan,metadata mexico, Kenya and Philippines.
Edward snowden is a man who left a high paying job, a rich life, his fiancé, his own country, his family and a lot more that he sacrificed to create a massive leaks about global surveillance that limits our freedom. Yet some call him a traitor to his country, but whom did he betrayed? Hes a man who left everything  then went to Hawaii,fled to hong-kong then to Russia just to tell the people about a terrifying corruption that stole our freedom for “thinking”.
Snowden is now charged on a lot of violations against the law,but despite all the charges against him , Edward snowden also won numerous rewards like the IQ award,Ridenhour truth-telling prize, german whistle blower prize and more. Edward snowden is a great man who woke up a lot of subconscious minds about the reality were living.

Chelsea manning
Bradley Edward manning or Chelsea manning(a name he used after he became a trans woman) is a US army soldier who was convicted by court-martial back in july 2013 of violations of the espionage act and other offences after disclosing nearly three quarters of a million classified or unclassified but sensitive military and diplomatic documents to wikileaks.
Some leakage that have been made by manning were the war logs and collateral murder.
War logs
War logs states that there were much larger numbers of civilian casualties on wars led by the United states like in Iraq and Afghanistan than what the US previously reported.
Colateral murder
Colateral murder is an unsettling video that shows a US army apache helicopter in Iraq firing on a group of people who turned out to include journalists for reuters.
There are a lot more revelations manning did through those thousand documents. Sadly, manning is now currently serving 35 years in a male prison which is the worst thing when you are a trans-woman.

Julian Assange
Julian Paul Assange is an Australian computer programmer,publisher, a journalist, the founder and editor-in-chief of the wiki leaks.
 Wikileaks is an international non-profit organization that publishes secret informations, new leaks and classified media from different anonymous leaks have already leaked millions of sensitive secret documents from different intelligence agencies like the CIA, NSA and other agencies from EU.One recent leaks are the Hillary emails.
Hillary emails
Wiki leaks leaked thousands of Hillary emails to the public which contains informations that showed the true intententions and identity of Hillary Clinton.the Hillary leaks holds informations like rigging an election in Palestine back in 2006, Clinton donors funding ISIS where in an email between Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager john Podesta, the former first lady and secretary of the region “to accuse quatar and saudi arabia of providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIS or ISIL and other radical sunni groups in the region”.                               The next one is my favorite because it is a clear and brilliant piece of evidence that almost all wars are only for corporate interests. It was first claimed by conspiracy theorist then exposed from the Hillary emails leaks which gave it a higher percentage to be legit.

“France’s client and qaddafi’s gold”
Out of all the thousand Hillary emails, this is what actually took my interests. The email identifies French president Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with 5 specific purposes in mind : to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase sarkozy’s reputation domestically, assert French military power nad to prevent ghaddafi’s  influence in what is considered the “Francophone Africa”. The email stated that ghaddafi had 143 tons of gold, which could be used for a currency that will liberate Africa from being an economically enslaved land through money and capitalism.                              
“John Doe”
John Doe is the pseudonym used by the anonymous whistleblower in the Panama Papers leak this 2016, who turned over 11.5 million documents from the law firm Mossack Fonseca to German journalist Bastian Obermayer of the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper . On May 5, 2016, John Doe published a statement The Revolution Will Be Digitised; Doe explained he made the files from Mossack Fonseca public to underline growing income inequality and financial corruption globally. The whistleblower has offered to help prosecutors build their cases, on condition of legal protection.
Panama Papers leaks
The leaked documents illustrate how wealthy individuals and public officials are able to keep personal financial information private. While offshore business entities are legal, reporters found that some of the Mossack Fonseca shell corporations were used for illegal purposes, including fraud, kleptocracy, tax evasion, and evading international sanctions.
The Panama papers leaks were the biggest leaks in history. In the documents which ranged from 1970’s to 2015, Mossack Fonseca came to function, as the german paper notes, “as a hub of a global industry led by major banks, legal firms and asset management companies”, secretly stewarding the estates of the world’s rich and famous, from politicians, FIFA officials, fraudsters and drug smugglers, to celebrities and professional athletes.” In short, to hide, transfer and in some cases, to clean dirty money. By april 3rd 2016, the news had reached numerous populations in countries around the planet. Heads of state and industry were implicated, as well as kings. Many of these individuals worked through their relatives, hiding away cash and in some cases circumventing sanctions. Notable persons who were exposed on this leaks were Vladimir Putin,Bashar Assad, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson(prime minister of Iceland), heads of Chinese government, middle eastern royalty,celebrities in india and even jackie chan. These people worked with mossack fonseca to create shell companies in other countries informally known as tax havens, an act which, in itself is not inherently illegal. However, journalists have noted the majority of these operations were made or designed to hide the identity of the actual owners or in other words, the people who are hiding the money. Some of the clients are big time criminals like mafiosos and bank robbers. The leaks are  a major proof of illegal financial activity by some of the world’s wealthiest groups and individuals.

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